You're in a Brave Space

Women Offshore's Sexual Assault and Violence Eradication (S.A.V.E.) Program is a brave space to find reporting and support resources.

We know all too well that sexual violence exists against women in offshore environments.

It is no secret that women working in offshore environments have experienced interpersonal violence encompassing a spectrum of psychological, physical, and sexual harm including but not limited to gaslighting, stalking, bullying, physical assault, and sexual assault. A climate and culture where these adverse behaviors from harassment to assault occur contributes to an increase in sexual violence.

There are long-term and short-term impacts of sexual violence on overall health and well-being. Each survivor reacts to sexual violence in their own unique way and an assault may impact daily life whether it happened recently or many years ago.

At Women Offshore in order to eradicate sexual violence in the maritime industry and support the safety of seafarers, a Sexual Assault & Violence Eradication (S.A.V.E.) Program was founded to provide reporting and support resources. Please reach out to the program coordinator below with any questions or to offer your support.

Reporting and Support Resources

Below is a list of recommended reporting and support resources. Please choose what is best for you.


  • USCG Tips Form and App: This link will take you to the USCG tip form to leave a detailed report about an incident of concern.
  • Report Sexual Harassment – Report situations of sexual harassment to the USCG. Use the email address, [email protected].
  • Safer Waves: Safer Waves offers support and information to merchant seafarers who have experienced sexual violence or gender discrimination while working at sea. Please see their website for additional resources.
  • RAINN-Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network: The RAINN website offers information for victims of Sexual Violence, including a 24/7 Hotline. Call 1-800-656-HOPE(4673)

You are Not Alone

Are you interested in reporting a case but you are unsure of what to expect or how to go about reporting it? Fill out the box below with your questions and a representative of Women Offshore will contact you.

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