Impostor Syndrome 101

Impostor Syndrome 101

You’re sick. The guy sitting next to you on the bus is sick. Your younger siblings are definitely sick. Your entire hometown, your grandmother’s neighbour, your child’s pen pal in Germany – they’re all sick. From the Mongolian Horsemen to the pastry chef in the small...
A Call to Action

A Call to Action

If you’ve been around our site, you probably recognize this statistic: women make up less than 4% of the offshore workforce. Women Offshore is here to change that. As a team of contributors, with a combined total of 65 years working on vessels around the world,...
Why Diversity Matters

Why Diversity Matters

We all probably know at least one person who becomes irate at the idea of companies making an active effort to diversify. This is due to the idea that diversification has a tendency to be demonized as a threat to job security or personal progress to those in the...
Let’s Talk About Boundaries

Let’s Talk About Boundaries

“The word boundaries is scary,” mused the executive consultant sitting next to me. “Perhaps there’s a less emotional word you can use.” We were chatting about how best to frame the workshop that I had developed for women in masculine professional environments. Sitting...

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