One Year of Making Waves

One Year of Making Waves

365 days ago, Women Offshore set out to change our world by uniting both our fellow female mariners and offshore energy sector colleagues. That was just the beginning and we can’t wait to show you what’s next! Exactly one year ago, we launched our website...
Running in Place to Move Forward

Running in Place to Move Forward

Running is soul work for me.  Long runs are the best – feeling the wind on my face, stretching my legs, pushing myself, perhaps seeing a new city.  No music and not just for exercise.  Running is my meditation and my time alone when I can just be and think… or,...
Perfect is BORING, Choose GRIT

Perfect is BORING, Choose GRIT

Below, Women Offshore’s Rep, Elyse Knudsen, shares a recap of the 2018 HERWorld Energy Forum.Who wants to be perfect anyway? I am not perfect and don’t want to be. I make mistakes, and I don’t always have the right answer. Instead of aiming for perfection, I...

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