In today’s episode, Christine MacMillan speaks with Sanjam Sahi Gupta, the Director for Sitara Shipping Ltd. She shares about the big waves she is making in the maritime industry. She is such an inspiration to us all!

Sanjam is a founding member of the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) India and was a Board Member of WISTA International. She is currently part of the Diversity Committee of WISTA International and is a major contributor to the WISTA -IMO  survey project and the WISTA COVID research project.

Sanjam was awarded the Glenmark Pharmaceuticals award “Woman of the Year 2019” in March 2019.

She held the first Maritime SheEO conference virtually in November 2020, the world’s biggest maritime gender equality conference ever held – gathering 1600+ participants from across 77+ countries.  Following its success, the 2nd conference was held in November 2021 with 3500+ participants from all over the world.

She has been featured in the Economic times, Fairplay, and Maritime CEO.

For more information on her you can check out our Women Offshore Blog on Sheeo:

A Conference for Maritime Leaders: Maritime SheEO

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