Are you looking for a job right now?

Or maybe you could benefit from an app to help organize your offshore credentials. If you fall into either of the previous categories, then this episode is for you.

On the Women Offshore Podcast, we are learning about the 10ure app. 10ure is a free mobile application that now also works on the desktop. It not only has a job board, but it also enables mariners with tools to verify and manage credentials and certifications. It even track your sea time!

The founding team is a diverse group of individuals who mostly hail from the maritime industry. Their female founder, Leimmi Zhang, is on the podcast today. She has a technology background, but has immersed herself in the maritime industry. She educates us on what 10ure is all about, and as a woman who has been in male-dominated industries, we can also learn from her experiences.

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