Listen To The Podcast

Bringing you stories of working on the water

and topics that affect seafarers.


Welcome to the Women Offshore Podcast!

The Women Offshore Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supporting the careers of female seafarers worldwide, and we have our own podcast! Hosted by Ally Cedeno and Christine MacMillan, the Women Offshore Podcast brings you stories of working on the water and topics that affect seafarers. Start with the first episode about career advancement and job seeking on the water. Next, listen to episodes of sea stories from seafarers about what it is like to sail as a captain or be a mom with an offshore career. Women+ are accomplishing their career dreams on the water. Have a listen – you will be inspired!

Leaving a Rating & Review

The Women Offshore Podcast is available in Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and most podcast apps! What do you think of the show? Let us know what you think by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to the show. You can also reach out by sending us an email at [email protected].


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